
Your Chief Security Officer

Until your company is large enough (or has enough headaches) to hire a full time Chief Security Officer, most security issues will be on the corner of someone’s desk.  Every company has these security issues from background checks on new employees, solving false alarm problems, outdated equipment, unexplained losses ….

The person that has this corner of the desk occupied with security issues very likely has a ton of other things that they would rather be doing!  

If only there was someone who could come in from time to time and not only clear up old problems but move forward with strategic recommendations and implementations that will add value to your company.

That is where we come in … be it a few hours per month or a few hours per week we will act as your Chief Security Officer looking out for your team and your company. Step one will be to clear the backlog … deal with current problems … then set a strategic path to a better bottom line.

Don’t be shy to reach out.  You will know and we will know within a few minutes if there is value we can provide.

System Untangling

When you have that “How the $%#*& did we get here and what can we do with respect to security systems.

Most security systems are far from integrated. They have evolved over the course of a few years or a decade. They involve multiple generations of multiple systems from multiple vendors. So often the solution is “Let’s rip it all out and start new.” We would suggest this only as the last option. There will be some value left in the old systems that may be recovered.

Our passion and challenge is to understand the old … understand the new and get you to a solution that will be able to evolve with technology rather than wait to be “ripped out”.


Is there anything worse than coming up with the plan of the century only to get hit with a mountain of compliance requirements !! Compliance can be the science of “box ticking”. As much as you hate writing whatever is required to tick the boxes … rest assured that the compliance officer at the other end isn’t that happy about checking the ticked boxes either.

The truth, is that most compliance regulations are there to help your company and your clients. Let us come in and show how security compliance can evolve from an unrelenting hammer of terrifying inspections to some methodologies to make your business more efficient. Get the best of what compliance can do for important matters …. and then get the rest of the boxes ticked as quickly as possible.