Randy Lines is the founder of rbl innovations.
Randy graduated with a Degree in Electrical engineering and a diploma in Civil Engineering Technology before heading to Montreal to carry out research for a Laser Research firm. He was the team lead and principle designer for an atmospheric laser communication system that was sold to research labs including Sandia National Laboratories … and all this before lasers were even cool!
After completing several development projects for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Randy joined them and worked as a R&D engineer for 2 years in Ottawa, a detective and General Duty Police Officer on Vancouver Island and a Offensive Technical Specialist based in Vancouver but deployed throughout the country on some of the most interesting files imaginable.
Getting to old to jump fences and too fat to hide in the bushes, Randy retired and went into private industry as a principal in an awesome Security Consulting Firm. Some great work and great clients!
He is now interested in developing solutions for security problems. The best solutions are often not “add another guard”, “add another camera” but rather “add a different paradigm”.
Technology will always be at the forefront of our solutions. Sound and grounded principles will also be behind our solutions.
Reach out to rbl at randy.lines@rblinnovations.com or even better, give him a call at 604 613 8253. He is so old he still answers the phone !